Thursday, March 18, 2010

Story Song

Song Title: Snake Hill

Artist: Conor Oberst and the Mystic Valley Band
Link to Lyrics

Speaker is born on Snake Hill, warned he has venom by his mother and she tells him that because he has conscience so when he bites it only hurts him. Speak thinks he should say on Snake Hill. He stayed on the hill, and he doesn't think it's fair, but he would go look at the city and then he decides to go to it. He goes to the city and realized his mother was hiding him from girls, he kills her (figuratively I assume) and goes back to Snake Hill.

His Mom
The girl

He is confined to his home and he wants to go out in the world, and thinks it is unfair that he can't leave "Snake Hill". He goes out anyways and realizes that the world isn't great and gets his heart broken by a girl.

Importance of home and the safeties it provides.
Dangers and hardships of the real world.
Girls make boys "feel alive" or they make them "wanna die."

No specific time frame
On Snake Hill, the speakers home
Real outside world


  1. So is he a freakin' snake? He has venom, but he meets a girl. (What, snakes can't fall in love....c'mon.) I think he's a snake. He's a snake. Is he a snake?

  2. SNAKES CAN LOVE TOO....ok maybe they can't.

    I kind of just thought of it as the speakers experience put into animal form, like an analogy or a....fable or something.

  3. Yeah, that sounds good. (Question: when he speaks, does he make a long ssssssss sound? Maybe that's a clue.)

    It sounds like a great song choice, though. I'm glad you chose a song that's a little more obscure. And I don't think it's a country song.
